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Date Joined: January 6, 2010
Last Online: July 13, 2011 Birthday: November 15, 1979 Country: United States My Website My Ravelry |
I design webpages for my alma mater for a living. In my spare time, I do various crafty activities (crochet, paper-craft, paint minis...), train for long distance running events and triathlons and practice Aikido.
I'm not really a girly-girl and tend to stay away from pink/purple or very sparkly things.
I have a sugar glider, named Maro, after a character from an anime.
I have very broad musical interests from classical to dark wave to folk to classic rock to showtunes to wizard rock.
Some of my favorites include: CrΓΒΌxshadows, Billy Joel, Adam Brodsky, The Beach Boys, The Eagles, Harry and the Potters, The Whomping Willows, Faith and the Muse, Apocalyptica...
I tend toward Sci Fi/Fantasy or non-fiction.
My all-time favorites are Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Dune, Lord of the Rings, the Harry Potter Series, Moby Dick, and Brief History of Time.
Favorite authors include Peter David and Neil Gaiman.
I'm starting to get into the Dresden Files and the Tremeraire series.
Comics: Bone, Sandman, Cerebus, Concrete, Peter David's run on Incredible Hulk, Kingdom Come, Alex Ross's art, Maus
Again, I tend towards Sci-Fi/Fantasy and documentaries and have a tendency to stay away from romantic comedies (with the exception of Love Actually)
Favorites include Labyrinth, Star Wars, Love Actually, the LotR Trilogy, Star Trek 2,4,6, Something the Lord Made...
I'll see anything with Alan Rickman in it.
I don't really watch television all that much these days as we don't have one in our house.
I like Star Trek (in all its incarnations, but particularly DS9), Babylon 5, SG1, NCIS, Firefly Law & Order: SVU, Criminal Intent, Earth 2, SeaQuest seasons 1 &2, Gargoyles.
I have a special place in my heart for A-Team, Golden Girls, Murder She Wrote, Columbo and America's Greatest Hero.
I love to crochet. I knit with moderate success. I model and paint fantasy miniatures. I do origami and some other paper-crafts. I've tried my hand at wood carving. I occasionally bead and sew.
I would love to learn bookmaking and wish that I could draw better than I do.
Cats (of the domestic variety, but also panthers and other big cats), wolves, owls, sharks (particularly hammerheads), dragons, bats, sugar gliders, the wheel of the year, the cycle of the moon, compasses, the compass rose, Autumn, stars, the ocean, forests, mountains, celtic designs (particularly the triquetra), gothic architectural designs, gargoyles, Badtz Maru, the Star Trek original series Science insignia, steam punk, leather, silk, wool, cotton...
I like stylized bike logos or the swim-bike-run triathlon logos. I like tribal tattoo designs.
I love buttons! Ceramic, metal, plastic, vintage, silver, black, green, blue... I also like the pin back kind with fun sayings and pictures on them. My current favorites of what I own are my running book bookcrossing button and my "Ninjas: There are three in this tree" button.
I like unique beads and other small trinkets.
I tend towards the cooler colors or the earth tones. Greens, blues, black, silver. Not a big fan of gold, pink, bright colors, pastels, neon.
My all-time favorite characters are Dr. McCoy, Garak, Bashir, and Severus Snape.
My favorite superhero is Green Lantern, followed by Batman and the Incredible Hulk. I also like Beast, Nightcrawler and Rogue.
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