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Date Joined: October 4, 2009
Last Online: February 18, 2012 Birthday: July 5 Country: United States MySpace Profile my Blog |
I love Joyce Meyer,Melody Carlson,Beth Moore and many more. !
I love all genres of music from country,christian contemporary,rock,oldies,50-90's.
I love alot of older movies like Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell.
I like ,"Hoarders","Ghostly Encounters", "Haunted History","Supernatural"(comes on daystar),Steve Wilkos,Jerry Springer, Maury,Queens of kings,Roseanne,Penn and Teller on Showtime,Celebrity ghost stories.Many shoes on the bio channel,discovery,tru tv and of course nick at nite.
I love art.I love to make little things when I am able.I love to write,draw,and read. I enjoy doing crafts with my son too.
Collections:I collect books, childrens books,bunnies,angels, bookmarks
my fav quotes: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Scents:Baking scents like pumpkin,vanilla,cinnamon and fruity ones like grape, cranberry,etc.
Facts: I love the lord I love making new friends I love making sure my longtime friends know how much they mean to me
I love to sing but am shy.I get stagefright if Im all alone up there.I have tried karoake but get scared but I do it better if Im not alone. My best audience for singing is my son.
I sang in church choir at age 16,I was the youngest in the adult choir but wanted to sing with my deceased best friend.
I was in chorus in school and went to all district chorus to.
I've been singing on my mama's coffeetable since I was 3 years old.She had me sing to her friends when I was 5 "Lead me on" By Conway and Loretta on her coffee table and my mamas hairbrush was my microphone.
Nowadays I've been singing Where is my hairbrush by the Veggietales with my son.Haha.
Gary My son is 7 years old. Hes is in second grade. He loves books and even his own teacher says his favorite things in class is the books,art and music. He loves books. He loves stickers. He loves doing crafts. He loves those learning workbooks.
He loves those learning cdroms.
He loves to color. He loves pencils.
His clothing size is 7/8
He loves Angry Birds,Johnny Test,Pokemon,Scooby Doo
He isn't picky,and would be happy with anything sent.
My sons fav books currently are: (September) Green eggs and ham by Dr Seuss The kissing hand by Audrey Penn and Skeleton Hiccups,Stellaluna and many more (October) Green eggs and ham by Dr Seuss llama misses mama( I got this from library and my son loved it)
and many more
! I love christian books,mainly nonfiction but don't mind Beverly Lewis,Jan Mitford or Melody Carlson fiction.*
I also love nonfiction books too,I love to learn things on parenting,christianity,life,relationships,marriage, healing,biographies on folks,etc.
I love stationery as for I love to write.
My favorite color is "purple"
I enjoy making homemade soaps and candles. I love scented tarts and candles
I love to help others when I am able,I donate to homeless shelters,local neighborhood where I live,I volunteer at my sons school,I donate things to the school too,I do things for others for no reason at all but its worth for a smile upon thier face
I have 6 cats Billy Bob,Socks,Cheryl, Smokette,Fluffy,and Mama kitty My dh has a ball python named Rex 2 marine hermit crabs
what kind of swaps should we do? We all do such different stuff.
I read how much you like to sing on your profile. I'd highly recommend Sweet Adelines. They have choruses all over the world. It's so much fun and a very welcome atmosphere. We always welcome visitors to our rehearsals. I love to sing, and had to share. Feel free to PM me if you want.

I hope your day is going great!
Thank you for the comment! It's a super rainy morning here and I am loving it! :)
Morning back atcha. Sorry, I didn't see your comment sooner. I have seen the movie, The Color Purple, & yes it's sad, but very good. I love magnets that are unique, I have several like yours from TN. I went to Louisiana last wk & couldn't find one, so I got a fancy luggage tag I'm going to make into a magnet!
lol. Thanks. Have a good weekend!
Thank you. I hope you have a great day too.
Morning back atcha.
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