Response: You're welcome! : D
Response: I'm glad you like them!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You're very welcome : )
Response: You're very welcome. I'm glad you liked them.
Response: I'm glad you like them! : )
Response: I'm glad you like it! I have had a skull and crossbones bandage on my finger all day. And, as tends to happen, we've found the coolest pirate stuff since sending that.
Response: Glad I could make you smile : )
Response: That was so quick! I just sent it two days ago! I'm go glad you liked it. I know I sound like a broken record, but it was hard to let go of! : )
Response: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! I thought you'd like those stickers-- they're pink!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad it finally got to you!
Response: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad it finally got to you! I was starting to get worried.
Response: Thanks for rating. Have a wonderful day!
Response: You're welcome. I hope something in the group will work in your collection!
Response: You're welcome! I hope you were able to find something you liked!
Response: Glad you like it! I still have the exact same mix on my iPod : )
Response: Thank you very much! They were a lot of fun and I've made quite a few since then.
THANK YOU for the Secret Santa gifts. What a thoughtful package you put together. I β₯ the Angels stickers most. Where ever did you get them?! I've only seen NY teams (boo!) hehe! Thanks again! β₯Christina
Thanks so much for the wonderful sleepy goodies! You spoiled me!