Swap-bot Time: February 17, 2025 4:09 pm


This user has been fully suspended and can no longer participate on Swap-bot.


Mimy rated for QUICK 5 Somethings #29 on Mar 18, 2013
LetsStartARiot rated for Present Time! *edited on Feb 15, 2013
Comment: Very sad.
MNJoviGirl rated for The Loose Stationery Swap on Mar 15, 2012
Gingillytown rated for Surprise Swap on Mar 12, 2012
Comment: i have no words
Comment: so disappointing to see someone blatantly misuse SB in such a way.
Aleksis rated for Big pack of ephemera #6 on Mar 7, 2012
Lenna rated for Coffee & Cigarettes on Mar 6, 2012
Comment: Thanks for nothing. I will change my rating if anything shows up, but I highly doubt that.
smilesalot7 rated for Cute Stationery Stuff on Mar 4, 2012
Comment: I have pm her and she refuses to cantact me back. furthermore the host will not contact me back either
Response: I havent received any pms from you...
fawnscrafts rated for QUICK Pick 5 flat swap #32 on Mar 3, 2012
Comment: When someone takes and does not send, it is stealing. I hope the happiness you feel for all the goodies you have collected, is worth it in the end. I cannot understand how someone can take and take and take and rake in all you have and them blame the PO fire for a months worth of swaps. Perhaps three or four but not all you were in and I noticed you joined a lot of category three swaps and really raked in the goodies. Perhaps we should look for our items on Etsy or Ebay. because there has to be a reason for you to want to rake in all the goodies you have.
Taateli rated for Starter Stickerbags on Mar 2, 2012
Comment: I will re-rate if I ever receive.
Comment: i never received anything for this swap, it shows it was marked sent on January 26th, and this swapper was the host. i will consider changing this rating if/when the swap is received.
ChelseaLake rated for "sealed 1st"~ Stickersheets #25 on Feb 27, 2012
Comment: Not even surprised that I had to do this. You and people like you are why I am breaking from SB.
Amuterasu rated for Cute Little Kawaii Letter Set Swap on Feb 26, 2012
Comment: Didn't receive anything even though she marked sent... :<
blessedtwox rated for Starter Mix Bags on Feb 24, 2012
Comment: Never received anything. And you can block me and delete my comments all you want, but I still think the whole fire story is BS. Unless you sent out 18 swaps on the same day, they wouldn't all be lost in a fake postal fire. I still think you aren't a good person, and karma will come back and bite you in the ass one day. I still think you should be writing "return to sender" on all envelopes you receive from swap-bot because its free and that's what a good person would do.
Response: I sent out 2 weeks worth of swaps at a time due to when I received my money. Not that its any of your business..and how can i return stuff I never received!
HannahsMommy07 rated for I LUV LABELS on Feb 21, 2012
Comment: I have contacted my partner ... no response ... I see she is partial suspended so I doubt I will get anything from her.
Response: I have never had a message from you!
piglet59645 rated for Full-Size Sticker Sheet Swap on Feb 19, 2012
Comment: :( I am confused about why the fire at the post office causes the box of stickers, marked sent on January 16th and the Labels, marked sent on January 30th, (Both from my hosted swaps) "both" be missing because of the fire. That is approx 2 weeks difference in times that they would have been at the post office in question.~~And you are also @missamminorth? Why? I'm so confused.
courtmm11 rated for "sealed 1st"~ Stickersheets #25 on Feb 19, 2012
Comment: This girl has flaked on many... there is no way she will ever get caught up... Sad as it is... she started out well. This user...is trying to deceive all of her partners...by not being truthful! pat yourself on the back.. you did it to yourself!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
1.7000 4 4 4
Completed Fives Threes Ones
42 7 0 33
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 30 12 0
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Currently In

  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


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piglet59645 on Feb 21, 2012:

Thankyou for putting an explanation on your profile page.

You can not leave comments for users that have been fully suspended.