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Date Joined: September 17, 2009
Last Online: September 29, 2011 Birthday: March 11, 1989 Country: ENGLAND (UK) |
I'm taking a break from SwapBot for Christmas as I wont be able to give it my full attention. I'll still log on over the holidays so feel free to send me a message! See you in the New Year and Happy Swapping! x ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
I'm 20 years old and from Sheffield, England. I'm new to all this but cannot believe that I've never come across it before! I spent a few days looking through the site before signing up and tried my hand making a few ATC's. I'm now addicted so hope I can take part in my first swap real soon. I've read about 'flakers' and can safely say the description does not fit me, but if any swap hosts want me to send my ATC first, I'd be happy to. I have some ATC's that are random, some of themes and some are just what I created on the spot. If any experienced swapper wants these I'd be happy to send! All I ask for i return is some feedback on them and if they can pass as 'swappable' material.
I'm a little night owl. I l o v e Owls. I have quite the collection from jewellry and stamps to cuddly toys and teacups. I'd love to trade things for owl paraphernalia. I like anything bright, colourful and shiny! I'm like a magpie, if it sparkles I have to have it. I like to make mundane things seems pretty, even my asthma inhaler sparkles! YELLOW is not just a colour, it's a passion! Organising anything and everything with one exeption: My bedroom! It looks like a flea-market stock room, I hate throwing things out.. I love prints, anything from animal to floral. I like creating lists for no reason whatsoever and drinking tea until I burst.
I prefer Dogs to cats.. ..black to white ..tea to coffee ..books to television ..Pepsi to Coke ..Night to day ..HALLOWEEN to christmas! ..Vintage/Pin up etc to New ..and a hundred other things I can't think of!
WISHLIST I love travelling but my budget has restricted this lately :( So anything sent from far-away lands I love! Postcards, knick-knacks, souvenirs or just a photo somebody has taken. ATC's! I don't have any from other people yet, just ones I've made myself. If you want to trade some, send me a mail. :) And ofcourse, anything Owl related. I lovelovelove handmade cuddlies.
Hope reading this wasn't too much of a bore!
Sheri trifle
Just a quick reminder that I still needed to be rated for the รขโฌล Newbie Friendly & Easy Sticker Swap #5รขโฌล. I hope they got to you okay! I'm starting to get nervous that they got lost in the mail @o
Welcome to the Yotube Smile swap!