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Original Member
Last Online: March 15, 2012 Birthday: February 13, 1977 Country: Germany My Website My Ravelry Account |
32 years old. Living with two cats in a town near the french and luxembourgish border. Working as a news-editor and speaker. I like to be creative and crafty.
Rock, Metal, Industrial, Jazz, Soundtracks
Movies from: Billy Wilder, Kevin Smith, Wong Kar Wai, David Lynch, Wes Anderson, Stanley Kubrick and Movies with: James Stewart. Also: Seven, Lord of the rings, Taxi Driver, City of god, Nightwatch (a russian Fantasy-Movie)... and many, many more. I'm a big movie and cinema fan. Maybe because I worked as a projectionist for more than three years. Oh, and I adore Zombies ("Braaaains!").
In general I enjoy reading fantasy and science-fiction. There is enough "reality" in my job, so I like to have some kind of hiding place. For Example: Tad Williams (The dragon bone chair), LOTR, Harry Potter, Neil Gaiman, Matt Ruff (Fool on the hill), Walter Moers (Die Stadt der trΓΒ€umenden BΓΒΌcher), Sergej Lukianenko (Night Watch), Stanislav Lem, etc. Also I liked: Paul Auster, Ian Isler, Else Buschheuer, Karel Capek, Daniel Kehlmann, T.C. Boyle, John Griesemer...
News (see job), Gilmore Girls, Will and Grace, Firefly, Emergency Room, Dead like me, My name is earl, Heroes, Battlestar Galactica...
Sewing, spinning, crocheting, knitting. I like to make socks, mittens, scarves and bags, etc. But I also adore little freaky, cuddly, furry or twee creatures. Further I'm interested in photography and I like being suprised of the pictures I have taken with my Lomo LCA-Camera. New ist the making of glassbeads - but I'm only a beginner yet.
Generally I like italian and asian food. But there are some things, my mum and my granny cooked for me when I was I child, I could die for (mostly german "Hausmannskost"). I'm always interested to try something new. In spring I often go out looking for wild growing herbs and try to create something tasty. Sweets are always good. Not for my figure, but it is kind of soulfood for me. Cookies, chocolate (the darker, the better) and jelly babies (german gummy bears), cheesecake...
To drink I like, especially in winter, tea - green or herbal. A glass of a good french or spanish red wine in the evening tastes great (best with some french cheese). Sometimes I allow myself an absinth.
Enjoying good food or a good meal very important for me. So I'm always searching for new and cool ingredients fΓΒΌr cooking, like tasty oils or vinegar, spices, etc...
Yarns and fibres are making me happy. I have several kinds of fibre in my crafting room (yes, I am lucky to have one) and I love the variety to mix them as I like. Bamboo with Merino, Seacell and Tencel, Silk and a little sparkle of angelina - my drumcarder takes them all. When I see those colourful and squashy batts, there often is only one thought: let's spin some artyarn! Because of my "artyarn-obsession" I am in search of Ribbons, buttons, beads and other "spinnable" accessorys all the time. I always get excited when I see a new cool knitting or spinning tool. Germany is a little poor with that, but it is getting better. When knitting socks I use handpainted yarns from my LYS. I like it colourful, but no pastels, not too much white or brown.
To the Nuts for Sewing Group
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Huhu! Ich kenn dich doch :) LG