Swap-bot Time: December 1, 2024 3:18 am

Ones ratings for user3017

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Tankgirl rated for Hometown Photography (x3) on Nov 28, 2006
Comment: I have yet to receive any hometown photos. Will change this when I receive them.
user2421 rated for words,words,words atc on Nov 13, 2006
Comment: I note that Sarah has not even posted that she has sent her items and it is a week past the deadline. I will reconsider this rating if she contacts me to let me know why she has not met the deadline and/or if I receive her package and she just forgot to indicate she had sent her items.
user3192 rated for "What is an ATC?" Swap on Oct 9, 2006

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
3.2857 0 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
5 4 0 3
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 0 0 5

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