Swap-bot Time: December 1, 2024 1:35 am

Fives ratings for missy433

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summerlake77 rated for City / Town / Village with P on Feb 9, 2017
Comment: Thank you for all the postcards!
Grannystamper rated for Asian/ Oriental ATC on May 25, 2010
Comment: Hi Darlene, Thanks for the great ATC!! I love it...and also love the bookmark!! Thanks so much. Hope to swap with you again soon,. Nancy (grannystamper)
ellie rated for Asian/ Oriental ATC on May 24, 2010
Comment: Lovely ATC and bookmark Thanks for all the work you did to make them so special
evieroz rated for "L" ATC Swap on May 18, 2010
Comment: Thank you Darlene for the Lantern atc. It took me a minute to figure it out because it was a little smushed. The love story about Koong-se and Chang was just beautiful, I think. Thank you much. Also love the Asian bookmark you made for me. xoxo
Response: Sorry I meant to let you know to use your index finger and thumb to squeeze back into shape. I also forgot to let you know that there is a monarch butterfly sanctuary in Pacific Grove and that the homes around town all put out paper lanterns during the feast of lantern celebration. I have been learning a lot more about the Chinese Culture now that I have a son-in-law whose heritage is Chinese. Glad you are enjoying!
sherartcee rated for "K" ATC Swap on May 3, 2010
needlewings rated for 4" x 4" Collage Swap on Apr 25, 2010
Comment: Thanks for your little collage of various different pieces and taking your time to describe them.
lroddyozzauto rated for 4" x 4" Collage Swap on Apr 19, 2010
Comment: Thanks Darlene, This is really cool - I'm so glad you included the sheet explaining the images. We're thinking of going to california this summer for vacation - I'll have to get my guidebooks out again, lynda
tannermom rated for 4" x 4" Collage Swap on Apr 19, 2010
Comment: Thank you for the great 4 x 4 with description...I loved it!
dkay rated for WHITE Matchbox Swap on Apr 18, 2010
Comment: Very nice job on the matchbox. And this was your first? Cool beans! Loved the note that told me about the contents. Thanks a whole bunch!
Response: Glad you liked it. It came from the heart. It was truely a part of who I am. Darlene

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 7 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
5 9 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 0 5 0

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