Swap-bot Time: December 1, 2024 2:48 am

Threes ratings for Paulac440

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itsjessme rated for Steampunk 2013 on Jun 21, 2013
Comment: You said u where sending the swap out on 3/22.its now 4/13 and still have not received.will rerate if I receive swap. Update 6/21:received the swap thank you.
Response: On its way. Did you ever get the steampunk card???? Did you like it??
Comment: No communication! No swap! Nothing have no choice...it really hurts to do this but it's not fair to me! ***UPDATE*** April 16, 2013 postmarked envelope arrived to my house on April 20, 2013. The swap sign up was Jan. 16, 2013 and the send date was Feb. 18, 2013 Paula had no response to me until I left the prior 1 rating, in the two months that had passed the host of the swap sent out the swap as an angel. I am rating the 3 because she did not follow guidelines.
Response: Hi just wanted to let you know that I redid this swap when you did not get the ones that I sent on the 23rd. I re-made them. Hope you enjoyed them. I really am sorry. I have had so much going on. I have completed this swap. I will mail tomorrow. Did you get them yet? I did send these on March 23rd. Did you get them?
milkybunny rated for Kokeshi ATC on Jan 18, 2012
Comment: Never received. :( Got a PM saying it was sent late on November 30th. A month later, and still nothing. Will re-rate if anything turns up. || UPDATE: 1/18/12 - Finally received the ATC. Glad I got it even though it's almost 2 months late. Thanks! I wish you well. :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.5946 46 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
51 65 3 6
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 9 41 0

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