All ratings for Monklin
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Response: 9-19-09: Contacted!
Response: He does have a heart. He's just so good at pretending to be evil! :D
Response: I'm glad you liked it! :D Thank you for the heart and the kind words! :3
Response: Thanks for the re-rate! :3
Response: Yay! I'm so glad that they arrived! And I'm really glad you like them. :3 Thank you for the 5 & the heart! <3
Response: You're welcome! :D I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for the heart. :3
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad it arrived. I was just about to make it but I saw that I had two messages from you. So I checked it first. Thank you for letting me know it arrived. :3
Response: Aw, thank you. :D I'm glad you liked 'em!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! :D
Response: Yay! No problem!
Response: No problemo! :3
Response: It's alright. Thank you for re-rating!
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: Thanks for the heart. :)
Response: Thank you! And sorry, I thought I had wrote it, usually it's the first thing I put on the ATCs. I'm very glad you liked them! :D Thank you for the heart!
Response: Haha, thank you! :D
Response: Haha, I'm glad you liked it! :D Thanks for the heart!
Response: No problem! I'm glad you liked them. My favorite is the one with the eyepiece and the mustache. :D Thank you for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. Glad you liked them! :)
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the heart. :)
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: You're welcome!
Response: No problem and thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: You're welcome! And thank you for the heart! :D
Response: You're welcome. :) And thank you for the heart!
Response: I'm really glad you liked 'em! :D Thanks for the heart. <3
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: Aw, thank you! I'm very glad that you liked them! And actually yes, it is kind of from real life inspiration. My friend's kitten had bit a tube of paint and got it all over her carpet and wall. I would always tell her that her cat wanted to be an artist! :D Thanks for the heart! I really appreciate it!
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: No problem! Thanks for the heart. :D
Response: Haha, no problem. :)
Response: That song is very addicting. :D
Response: Glad you liked 'em! :D
Response: You're welcome.
Response: It's alright, I know I was super late. My fault.
Response: Haha, The Cliks are my favorite. :)
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: Haha, it's alright. :)
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I used FolkArt Outdoor-Metallic Paint for the gold and I usually cover my ATCs with Sculpey Glaze to give it a shine/protection. :)
Response: Thank you! I felt this swap was perfect for an anxiety theme. It shows who I am. Glad to hear that someone can compare to how I feel.
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed them! :D
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: Thank you very much! :D I really appreciate it!
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: whoo! Glad to hear that there's another Idiot Pilot fan out there! :D
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: Haha, totally. :P
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you liked them! :D
Response: Thank you for the kind words and the heart! I like to scan my projects before I sent them because I like to remember what I've done. :D I'm very glad you liked it!
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: Haha, thank you! :D
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you liked them. :D
Response: You're welcome. :)
Response: You're welcome. :D
Response: Brazil has actually a lot of 70s and 80s influence! Such as Queen and films by David Lynch. :) You should definitely check out more Eno!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: They're both so wonderful! <3
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: You're welcome! :D
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you liked the cover art. I was really ify about it. I sent out two different ones, which one did you get?
Response: It's alright. Thank you anyways! : )
Response: You're welcome.
Response: No problem, I'm glad you liked it! :D
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed them! :D
Response: That's good to hear! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Response: You're welcome! They're from ciudad de Mรยฉxico, D.F., Mexico. (Basically the capital of Mexico.) :D
Response: You're welcome!
Response: No problem! I hope you enjoy them. :D